Mercury Retrograde – Almost Over

The planet mercury has been retrograde since August 2 and will go direct Friday the 26th.  Although some say not really direct until mid-September.  Mercury rules communication, commerce, transportation.  When retrograde frequently there is miscommunication, troubles with travel, electronic devices, starting anything new, including jobs and signing contracts.  If you do sign something, or buy something of large dollar value frequently there are problems and the decisions you make will be up to being revised.  Many people will experience contact with people from their past, loves, hates, friends, relatives.  If there is someone you need to finish business with this is good time to do so. For instance,  if you had a bad surgery with a bad doctor, mercury retrograde is a good time to revisit that surgery with a good doctor and get good results.  It’s a good time to revisit past work decisions and relationships and see if there are new ways to benefit from them.  The recent earthquake, riots in England, and strong weather systems are believed to be developed from Mars, Saturn squares, lots of energy, old existing standards clashing.  Neptune is retrograde now too and ruling water you can see where that might lead to weather related disasters.  As I’ve said before, if monarchies, Presidents and their families can turn to astrology to help them along with their path in life, why not the average person too.

For me this string of experiences sums up the most recent retrograde of Mercury: Check Engine light on/off three times in one week; car has oil change then leaks oil; car to dealer for check engine light – $$$ later car is supposedly fixed; car still leaking oil back to garage where it was done-fix; not fixed – back one more time; check engine light on again!; run into ghost relationships of the past – smack across the face!; revisit old emotions – crap; contact old colleagues; reach out to old friends – good!; solidify current status and emotions; check engine light on again! $$$ expenses high this month emotions run high but everything should be leveling off at this time. Hopefully you too caught up with old friends and colleagues to ground you where you are now.  Phew!  We are done with that one!

Fried Green Tomatoes

Well it’s that time of year again.  Steamy, hot, and sunny the kind of days we dream for in the cool of the winter.  I was reminded recently of that great movie “Fried Green Tomatoes”.  If you haven’t seen it do!  Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, Mary Stuart Masterson (she had some great parts in her day and reminds me of younger years!)  Strong, weak, southern woman who all combine to help each other out in a personal way.  I don’t recall the financial stresses or career concerns in this movie.  Yay!  We have enough of that going on in our real lives.  It was all on the personal side. Of course they ate, BBQ!  It’s summer time – 100 degrees – what better time to stand over a hot grill and cook ribs especially in the south?  The movie has fond memories within it that touch on the characters youth.  It is also life affirming in the way they help each other out – of course Mary Stuart Masterson’s character is strong and another girl is weak. So goes the story line.  From younger years to grandmother years are covered.  Reminded me of family that is past and how fond our memories can be.  It’s a good place to check into every now and again.

Since I was thinking about the movie I went to an art exhibit last weekend near the ocean on Long Island.  Jen Goings studio in WHB.  Summer dresses, ocean breezes, and some very interesting art – what could be better.  Yes, there was free wine and champagne too!  A very unique collection of pieces by Susan Benarcik was displayed.  After meeting the artist herself I again thought I have to write my next Blog on my memory of “Fried Green Tomatoes”.  She was encouraging about my writing and I was encouraging about her art.  You can see her art for yourself at  Cool stuff focusing on paper, print and some photography.  If you check her site out tell her I sent you.   And, if you haven’t seen the movie in a while go rent it,  and let me know what you thought.  Have some BBQ at the same time too and remember fondly your own past.  Peace of mind.